Linda L. Phillabaum
About Linda L Phillabaum
Linda Phillabaum discovered early in life, that she had a passion for creating art in its many different mediums...especially drawing. Through her years in school she made sure her curriculum included art classes. Even while pursuing her business career and raising a child, she continued finding ways to fit her love for art into her busy schedule; so after retiring from the business world in 2003, she quickly returned to devoting more attention to her love of creativity.
Linda first mastered the art of mosaics, which culminated in the honor of having two pieces displayed in the Australia Zoo. Although mosaic art was great fun and helped grow her confidence as an artist, it was very labor and space intensive; so she once again found herself exploring other mediums. Finally, colored pencil drawing came to her attention in 2010 while attending fine arts festivals.
Inspired by the colored pencil art, Linda found herself increasingly more fascinated by the way a colored pencil painting could look, not only realistic, but richer and more ‘alive’ than the reference photo. An added bonus about the medium was the ease of application, portability of the supplies and virtually no clean-up! Linda didn’t hesitate to sign up for classes at a colored pencil studio in her area, where she valued ‘hands on’ lessons for 2.5 years. During this time, she also continued to explore and learn about pencil art through, on-line resources, including enrolling in in-depth graphite courses. In 2012, Linda joined the Colored Pencil Society of America and became an active member of the Chicago Chapter #103. Later that year, the owner of the studio, where she was taking classes, offered her an instructor position. In early 2013 Linda converted a section of her home into a boutique studio, became and instructor and began teaching students the joys of expressing themselves through pencil art.
Drawing botanicals and people is where Linda’s passion exists. It only makes sense though as she loves being out in nature and ‘people watching’. Her drawings and colored pencil tips and techniques have been published in two colored pencil magazines repeatedly and her work has been featured in a magazine as an example of realism. Being one to stay ‘out of the limelight’ she does not enter art festivals, shows or promote her art. Her passion is to share what she has learned and enjoy drawing in her retirement.
In early 2015 she had to resign from teaching to prepare for another life change. Her husband was able to retire and it was always their plan that when he retired, they would move to a warmer climate. Linda packed up her studio for the move, but due to unforeseen circumstances along the way her things stayed in storage for many months. She had to take a hiatus from drawing for a year. From her heart Linda stated “It’s been very hard to be out of touch with my students and my drawing. My passion is teaching but I will be floating on a cloud when I can draw again.”
Linda is married to John, a retired police officer/bomb squad commander in the Chicago area. In early 2016 they settled in their new home near Ft. Worth Texas. They have a married daughter who is a federal probation officer in Chicago.
Linda joined the newly formed CPSA chapter 224 Dallas/Ft. Worth and served as Vice President in 2021-22 . She is currently serving as the social media administrator for the chapter.