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A big thank you to David Poxon for his support to Grandmasters of Fine Art, helping Beatrice for a site that has now reached international recognition. Without forgetting all the masters who contribute by presenting their amazing masterpieces. May the show bring joy to us all.
Beatrice is a shining star lighting our way in a dark world. David Poxon Thank you so much David for all your help Beatrice Very impressed with the caliber of artwork you represent Doug Webb Thank you Doug As always, absolutely fantastic collection of artwork- well done to everyone Lesley Beech Thank you for visiting and your lovely feedback Lesley I enjoyed visiting your site. Beautiful work. I especially enjoyed reading your “about” I so often get people say why paint when you could have a photograph. It is so upsetting and I appreciated what you had wrote. Thank you. I am a realist painter in New Zealand. I would love to participate in the future. All the best with your online exhibition. Shirley Cresswell Thank you Shirley for your enthusiasm for our site. You will be contacted. FEEDBACK EXHIBITION 2021 Formidable exposition virtuelle qui nous fait tellement regretter le temps de l’insouciance lorsque nous pouvions admirer réellement les œuvres. Mais c’est une très belle organisation et les tableaux sont fantastiques. Je suis heureux d’avoir pu admirer autant de talents divers, parmi lesquels le magnifique tableau de mon amie Lorena KLOOSTERBOER qui a un véritable don et que j’admire.
Wonderful virtual exhibition that makes us so regret the time of freedom when we could actually admire the works. But it's a great organization and the paintings are fantastic. I am happy to have been able to admire so many diverse talents, among which the magnificent painting of my friend Lorena KLOOSTERBOER who has a real gift and whom I admire. Alain Demissy Un grand merci a vous Alain pour visiter notre exposition et cette magnifique éloge pour nos artistes et votre amie Lorena qui sera informée. ----- Thank you for supporting the arts. I discovered your site, since Arina published it on Facebook today! Congratulations! Rene Cheng Thank you Rene. We have taken note of your request ------ Enjoyed your exhibition, some beautiful pieces.. Herman Bradley Thank you so much for visiting and your positive review Herman. ------ An extraordinary standard of art in nature,so vibrant and realistic. Landscape Section also has much to offer. Storm on the North Coast,Autumn Vault,the pastel study of a Creek by Lynda Robinson, the graphite/carbon seascape study by Alice Hole. Janet Baily Thank you so very much for your visit and your feedback Janet. Much appreciated ------ Wow,I've never seen so much spectacular art in one venue. My hats off to all who participated. Patrick Kelly Thank you so much for visiting Patrick and your review! Very appreciated. ------ Thank you for the wonderful show of stellar art, along with their creators. And such a surprising delight to see in the Nature gategory, a former workshop instructor, Vincent Jeannerot, such an amazing artist, teacher, & all around good human!! Look forward to checking out each artist's websites. Nancy Jacobson We are glad you know Vincent Jeannerot, Nancy. We will make sure he notices your comments. Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your review. ------- OH,GOD! John Witiak Thank you John. We assume you had a great surprise. Thank you for visiting. ----- John Guiseppi, we have a section: LATEST NEWS where you will find all our latest news. Please keep visiting our site or our Facebook page. FEEDBACK EXHIBITION 2020
This varied collection is a testament to the best of humanity. The vision, the creativity, the talent, and the skill communicate each artist’s truth, inspiring the viewer, and elevating one’s existence from ordinary to extraordinary. Thank you!
Tina Price This is music to our hearts Tina. Thank you for your so beautiful feedback -------------------------------- Superb presentation Beatrice big congratulations some great paintings . David Poxon Thank you for your lovely feedback David! ------------------------------------ Oh Beatrice........what a wonderful exhibition to get up to see this morning........in Australia. Thank you so much for all your dedication. Keep well Cheers Freda Surgenor Many thanks Freda! So happy you have enjoyed seeing the exhibition... -------------------------------------- Very pleased to hear about this exhibition. Deborah Schwartz Thank you Deborah. Follow us on Facebook or keep an eye on our Blog --------------------------------------- Yes I would like to know more about this exhibition in the future. Thanks Mary Ellis Thank you for your interest Mary. Please follow us on Facebook where we post all our latest paintings. -------------------------------------- The wide selection of art is inspiring. Dianne Newton Thank you for the lovely feedback Dianne ------------------------------------- Dit was een zalige ochtend in deze zware tijd. Heb super genoten van de hele collectie.De intentie er achter kon niet beter gekozen zijn. Daar diegene die in alle zorgsectors werken nu door een nachtmerrie gaan. Hoedje af voor alle prachtige werken en deelnemende artiesten This was a blissful morning in this difficult time. I really enjoyed the whole collection and the intention behind it couldn't have been better. Since those who work in all healthcare sectors are now going through a nightmare. Hats off to all the beautiful works and participating artists Wijnen Andree Thank you so much Wijnen Andree. It is so pleasing to us to know we have brought to you peace and joy. |